
Abstract Submission

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Abstract Submission Guidelines for Scientific Posters and Oral Presentations

 Abstract Submission Flow:
  • Submission Process: The submission process for abstracts is independent of the congress registration. To apply with an abstract you must first register here in the ABSTRACT PLATFORM, with a given username and password.
  • Congress Registration: Once the abstracts are confirmed, you must validate your congress registration by registering HERE, with a new username and password.
  • For questions related to the ABSTRACT PLATFORM, please contact: evelyn.buarque@abreu.pt.
1. Eligibility and Submission Requirements
  • Eligibility: Abstracts should represent original research, case studies, or literature reviews relevant to the algae value chain from fundamental to applied applications. Submissions from students, researchers and industry professionals are welcome.
  • Language: All abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Submission Platform: Abstracts should be submitted via the ABSTRACT PLATFORM webpage. Email submissions will not be accepted.
2. Format and Content
  • Title: Provide a concise and informative title.
  • Author(s): List the primary author first, followed by co-authors (if any). Include affiliations and the e-mail address of the corresponding author.
  • Abstract Text: Maximum of 3000 characters.
  • Keywords: List up to five keywords that best describe the abstract’s content.
  • Acknowledgments/Funding: If applicable, include an acknowledgments or funding sources section.
  • File Format: abstracts should be submitted directly on the page form.
  • Deadline: CLOSED
3. Categories and Themes
  • Submitters should select the most relevant category/theme for their abstract:
    • Innovations in Algae Production
    • Algae Processes and Biorefinery
    • Algae Applications
    • Algae Emerging Technology: AI, Machine learning, Deep learning and Neural networks
    • Algae in Environmental Sustainability
    • Algae-based Solutions for the Market
    • Entrepreneurship and Business Success Models (Start-ups & Spin-offs & Larger Enterprises)
    • Special Session: Algae Vertical Project
4. Selection Criteria
  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee based on:
    • Relevance to conference themes and impact on the field of algal biotechnology;
    • Scientific rigor and excellence;
    • Clarity and coherence of objectives, methods, and conclusions.
5. Notification of Acceptance
  • Review Process: All abstracts will undergo a review by the Scientific Committee.
  • Notification: Submitters will be notified of the acceptance status through e-mail, by the 11th of March. Submitted oral presentation abstracts may be assigned as posters based on the committee’s assessment.
  • Validation: Upon confirmation, at least one of the authors must register for the conference (to do the poster or oral presentation). A biographical note will be requested from the main author (Maximum 100 words)
6. Presentation Format Options
  • Oral Presentation: Selected abstracts for oral presentations will be allocated 7 minutes for presentation, followed by a 3-minute Q&A session.
  • Scientific Poster: Posters should be in A0 size (841 x 1189 mm), portrait orientation. The posters will be displayed for the entire duration of the conference, and dedicated poster sessions will allow presenters to engage with attendees.
  • Final version: The final version of the Oral Presentation should be sent to geral@algaebiotechnology.pt by the 3rd of April.
7. Publication
  • Conference Proceedings: Accepted abstracts will be published in the official conference proceedings.
  • Online Publication: Selected abstracts may be published on the conference website for public access. By submitting, authors consent to this online publication.
8. General Guidelines and Restrictions
  • Each presenter may submit up to 6 abstracts as the primary author.
  • Abstracts may not be edited or revised after the deadline.
  • Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their abstracts as submitted.

If you have any questions, we are glad to help you.

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